When you're trying to figure out how to find your authentic voice, it can feel like an uphill climb.
Have you ever found yourself holding back your thoughts on a matter?
It's challenging to find your authentic voice when you're worried you seem confrontational, or you worried about potential judgment for expressing your genuine opinions.
It’s kind of like holding back an important part of yourself, isn’t it?
When you change yourself to meet others' expectations, it can dampen your authentic voice, and you inadvertently mold yourself into someone other people think you should be.
How do you discover your authentic voice and express yourself more freely?
When you’ve conformed to others' expectations or societal norms for any length of time, you may lose yourself. That’s why it’s important to begin with identifying what your core values are and how you want to feel each day.
Your core values act as your inner compass, guiding you through life.
When you are clear on what they are, they can help you live a life that is in alignment with what you want and how you want to feel.
When you identify your core values, avoid standard values like love, family, God, or country.
Ask yourself, “Is this my core value, or is it someone else's?” to avoid adopting others' values.
For example, your parents may strongly believe in the value of honor, but deep down, you may not.
Here are some samples of core values:
Begin by writing as many values as you can that are important to you.
Out of those values, identify the top 10 values that are the most important to you. Out of the values identified, identify which ones can be absorbed by another value.
For example, joy can go into happiness, or caring can go into kindness, or intelligence can go into wisdom.
Once you’ve done that, identify your top 5 core values. Next, reflect on how you want to feel each day.
Once you’ve done this, now it’s time to start using your authentic voice by noticing what you’re saying when you communicate with others.
Are the things that you say in alignment with your core values and how you want to feel?
If they aren’t, there may be an opportunity for genuine communication and self-expression.
This is a great start to discovering your authentic voice.
And you can bring your core values into your business and bring your authentic voice to life:
Hypnotherapists: When you regress your clients, you can help instill the little one inside of them with powerful reframes so they’ll embody their own voice. Then you can have that part of them communicate with their “adult self” to bring the change into the present.
Voiceover Artists: The genuine emotion you bring into your reads can help your listener connect with a part of themselves that helps them feel empowered. Your inner values translate into inner conviction that carries through your voice into the mind of your listener.
Agencies: You have the power to hire talented VO’s who genuinely care about your projects, but more importantly, they care about the listener. In a time where people have grown tired of canned commercial reads, an authentic voice cuts through the noise and makes its way into the heart of your audience.
Here’s a book that may help you along in your journey: Louder Than Words: Harness the Power of Your Authentic Voice by Todd Henry.
“Find your authentic voice, become vulnerable, and then put yourself out there.” — Meredith Brooks
It feels so good to truly express yourself, and if you find it challenging, rest assured that it comes with age. 😊
Authentically yours,
Let's collaborate to harness the power of voice: